7 Tips for Managing Diabetes and Eye Health

Different forms of diabetes affect at least a third of the U.S. population, with about 34.2 million of them from full-blown diabetes. Many know the connection between diabetes and body sugar without understanding that diabetes affects more than their metabolism. 


Diabetes also affects the health of the nerves and blood vessels in various body parts, including the eyes. It leads to severe conditions that can threaten your eyesight and cause permanent vision loss. 



Conditions That Occur Due to Diabetes



  • Diabetic Retinopathy 


This happens to be the leading cause of blindness in adults in America. Diabetic retinopathy is due to a retina that experiences abnormal blood vessel growth or leaking blood vessels. If this is diagnosed early, the doctor can institute several great treatments. 


  • Macular Edema 


The macula is the retina's center responsible for sharp straight vision. Diabetes can cause the macula to swell up due to leaking blood vessels. When the macula swells up, it causes distorted or blurred vision. 


  • Cataracts 


The increase in blood sugar in the body can cause cataracts to form much quicker and progress faster in people with diabetes. The blood sugar is responsible for the cloudy buildup in the eye's lens, causing cataracts. 



Managing Diabetes and Eye Health



  • Regular Comprehensive Eye Exams 


Many eye conditions that develop when you have diabetes usually do not show any symptoms in their development stage. During regular comprehensive eye exams, the eye doctor will perform a dilated eye exam to examine the health of your internal eye structures. They will also check your optic nerve for signs of damage and measure your intraocular eye pressure. 


  • Blood Sugar Control 


One of the leading contributors to eye health is high blood sugar, which can impact the retina and the eyes lens. These are critical to vision; their damage can lead to poor vision or complete vision loss. 


High blood sugar can lead to poor vision when it changes the shape of your lens or causes retinal blood vessels to leak. These changes can be remediated by restoring healthy sugar levels; if untreated, it can lead to more severe outcomes. 


  • Exercise 


Exercise is crucial in helping regulate your blood sugar and, therefore, good for your eyes. It will help you maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, which are critical in eye health. Cholesterol and hypertension beyond critical levels can damage your eye's blood vessels and cause vision loss. 


  • Healthy Diet 


Diet is also a great way to manage your blood sugar, as various foods impact your health. Diabetic eye health requires specific nutrients to nourish the eyes and mitigate damage from high blood sugar levels. Your eye doctor can recommend a healthy diet to help preserve your vision. 


  • Quit Smoking 


Smoking can damage blood vessels in the body and the eyes. You must quit smoking if you have diabetes, which can worsen your condition and symptoms. 


  • UV Protection


The sun's UV rays are dangerous to people with regular health, but more so for people with diabetes. Exposure to UV rays can cause rapid development of cataracts in people with diabetes. 


  • Medication 

Taking your prescribed medication as directed can also help you prevent or delay vision loss.


For more tips for managing diabetes and eye health, visit Advanced Vision Institute at our offices in Las Vegas, Nevada. Call (702) 819-9800​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ to book an appointment today.

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